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Code of Conduct


School of Rock students are expected to:

  • Engage in safe, non-disruptive behaviour at all times while on School of Rock premises and/or while participating in School of Rock events and activities.
  • Comply with School of Rock’s Alcohol and Drug Policy prohibiting the use, possession, distribution, purchase, or sale of alcohol, drugs and/or tobacco on School of Rock premises or related to School of Rock teaching or events.

School of Rock prohibits students from:
  • Engaging in conduct, which materially disrupts or adversely affects School of Rock programs or activities of any kind.
  • Using, possessing, distributing, purchasing, or selling any illegal drug, controlled substances, or alcohol.
  • Smoking, including e-cigarettes and vaping products.
  • Fighting or threatening teachers, staff, or other students.
  • Bullying or harassing in any way teachers, staff, or other students.
  • Damaging School of Rock or other student’s property and/or equipment.
  • Viewing inappropriate content on the Internet, cell phones, or any other media while on School of Rock premises or at School of Rock events.
School of Rock management will take disciplinary measures in response to student misconduct which may include but are not limited to: a disciplinary conference, notification of parents/guardians, suspension and expulsion from School of Rock. School of Rock management may also notify appropriate law enforcement authorities as appropriate to the circumstances including whenever illegal conduct is suspected or observed.


  • All visitors to School of Rock premises or events should follow instructions and directives given by the School of Rock management at that location.
  • All visitors are expected to exercise appropriate, safe, and non-disruptive conduct at all times while on School of Rock premises or while at School of Rock events.
  • Persons on School of Rock premises without a valid reason may be directed to leave and may be reported to local authorities.
  • Any School of Rock teacher/staff member may request identification from any person on School of Rock premises or at a School of Rock event.
  • The General Manager or designee will request that any person who refuses to provide requested identification leave School of Rock premises or event.
  • If any person refuses to leave School of Rock premises upon request, local authorities may be contacted.
School of Rock expects mutual respect, civility, and orderly conduct among all people who visit its premises and events. No person on School of Rock premises or at a School of Rock event (including visitors, students, and employees) shall:
  • Strike, injure, threaten, harass, or intimidate a teacher/staff member/student or any other person;
  • Use vulgar or obscene language;
  • Damage or threaten to damage another’s property;
  • Damage or deface the property of School of Rock;
  • Violate any applicable federal, provincial or local law or ordinance;
  • Smoke or otherwise use tobacco products;
  • Consume, possess, distribute, or be under the influence of illegal drugs
  • Consume alcoholic beverages on School of Rock premises
  • Impede, delay, disrupt, or otherwise interfere with any School of Rock event.